Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I create an account for Cycleops?
    You can sign up for Cycleops at

  • Is Cycleops free?
    Cycleops provides both free and paid subscription. You can learn more about our pricing at

  • Which cloud providers can I use with Cycleops?
    Cycleops can work with any cloud provider, given it has SSH access to the hosts, where it will deploy applications. Cycleops is a great option even for bare‑metal on‑premise servers.

  • Do I need to install the Docker Engine on my hosts, so I can use Cycleops?
    You do not have to. Cycleops can take care of installing the Docker on your hosts for you.

  • Can I integrate my CI system (e.g. Jenkins or GitHub Actions) with Cycleops?
    Yes. You can integrate the CI system of your choice with Cycleops by using the Cycleops CLI: