Hassle-free deployment on the cloud

Cycleops is the fastest way to deploy your code on your own servers

No credit card required

Are you creating software applications and you are finding hard to automate your deployments to cloud servers?

Deployments on cloud made simple No-code DevOps automation

Design stack templates

using popular OSS units

Add your server

as deployment target hosts

Deploy your code

with no-code automation

Deploy docker containers

Add host using form

Add host using command

Put DevOps practices in action rapidly

Lower the knowledge barrier significantly

Minimize the need to learn and test every detail in your stacks. Take advantage of Cycleops units that install and configure your code following industry best practices!

Deliver reliably

Focus on what matters most, that is developing your code.
Design stack templates once and put them in action to multiple stack setups across different environments

Single-click deployments

Reuse existing stack templates and configurations that work.
Deploy your software based on powerful Ansible automation with playbooks that are crafted by Cycleops for your custom needs!

Boost team collaboration

Reach self-service DevOps with our no-code approach.
Your teams are now capable of sharing design, delivery and operations artifacts and workflows without the need to access complex scripts.

Cloud management
for DevOps automation

  • Ansible automation
  • Central inventory
  • Service catalog
  • Workload monitoring
  • Audit and reporting
  • Team

Discover now what you can do with Cycleops